Science Hard Words

Amylase (amilase)
=An enzyme that helps to break down starch into glucose.

Astigmatism (astigmatism)
=A defect in vision caused by the uneven surface of the cornea or lens.

Balanced diet (gizi seimbang)
=A diet that contains the right amount of energy and nutrients needed to meet a person's requirement for growth,development and health.

Blind spot (Bintik buta/titik buta)
=A small area on the retina where the optic nerve passes trough the retina of the eye.

Cochlea (koklea)
=A coiled-like structure filled with fluid and tiny hairs.

Community (komuniti)
=Different populations living in the same habitat.

Consumer (pengguna)
=A living organism that gets its food by feeding on other organisms.

Decomposer (pengurai)
=A living organism that feeds on the remains of dead organisms and breaks down the dead remains into simpler substances

Defecation (penyahtinjaan)
=A process in which faeces is expelled from the body.

Density (ketumpatan)
=The amount of matter per unit volume in a substance.

Dicotyledon (tumbuhan dikotiledon)
=A flowering plant which produces seeds,each seed with two seed leaves or cotyledons.

Digestion (pencernaan)
=Breakdown of large food molecules into smaller molecules that can be readily absorbed by the body.

Eardrum (gegendang telinga)
=A thin sheet of skin at the ear canal that vibrates when the vibrating air strikes it.

Ecosystem (ekosistem)
=Different communities that interact with one another and the environment in a habitat.

Enzyme (enzim)
=A substance that speeds up a specific chemical reaction in our body.

Food chain (rantai makanan)
=The food relationship among organisms.

Food web (siratan makanan)
=Network of interconnected food chains.

Geotropism (geotropisme)
=Movement or growth of plants in response to gravity.

Global warming (pemanasan global)
=The increase in temperature of the earth's atmosphere that is caused by greengouse gases such as excessive carbon dioxide and methane gas.

Habitat (habitat)
=Natural home of a living organism where  it lives and reproduces.

Hydrotropism (hidrotropisme)
=Movement or growth of plants in respons to water.

Invertebrate (inverterbrata)
=An animal without a backbone.

Lipase (lipase)
=An enzyme that helps to break down fat into fatty acids and glycerol.

Long-sightedness (rabun dekat)
=A defect in vision in which near objects cannot be seen clearly.

Monocotyledon (tumbuhan monokotiledon)
=A flowering plant which produces seeds,each seed with one seed leaf or cotyledon.

Monocular vision (penglihatan monokular)
=Seeing objects with eyes on the sides of the head.

Nastic movement (gerakan nastik)
=Movements of parts of plants in response to a stimulus that do not involve growth and are not related to the direction of the stimulus

Nerves (saraf)
=Rows of connected cells that carry information throught the body.

Optical illusion (ilusi optik)
=A scene or picture of what we think we see that differs from what is really is.

Periscope (periskop)
=A long tube with two reflecting surfaces such as mirrors at each end that is used for looking over the top of something.

Peristalsis (peristalsis)
=The process of contractions of the muscles of the alimentary canal to push the food towards the stomach.

Phototropism (fototropisme)
=Movement or growth of plants in response to light.

Population (populasi)
=A group of individuals of the same species that live and reproduce in a habitat at the same time.

Producer (pengeluar)
=A living organism that makes its own food and provides food for other living organisms.

Protease (protease)
=An enzyme that helps to break down proteins into amino acids.

Pyramid of numbers (piramid nombor)
=The numbers of different organisms in a food chain or a food web.

Receptor (hujung saraf)
=A cell located at the end of a nerve that detects a particular type of stimulus.

Reflection of light (pantulan cahaya)
=The bouncing of light off a surface on which the light falls.

Reflection of sound(pantulan bunyi)
=The bouncing of sound off a surface on which the sound falls.

Refracton of light (pembiasan cahaya)
=The bending of light when light passes between two media of different densities.

Response(gerak balas)
=The way in which an organism acts or behaves upon receiving a stimulus.

=A natural ability of animals to detect changes and objects in their surroundings.

Sensitivity (kepekaan)
=The ability to detect stimuli.

Sensory cells (Sel deria)
= Cells that are used for detecting stimuli.

Sensory organ (organ deria)
=An organ that can sense changes in the surroundings.

Short-sightedness(rabun jauh)
=A defect in vision in which distant objects cannot be seen clearly.

=A form of energy produced by vibrating air or other vibrating particles.

Stereopscopic hearing (pendengaran stereofonik)
=Hearing with both ears that enables us to tell which direction a sound is coming from.

Stereoscopic vision (penglihatan stereoskopik)
=Seeing with both eyes that enables us to better judge the distance of objects and to create a three-dimensional image of objects.

Stimuli (rangsangan)
=Changes or objects that can be detected by our sense.

Thigmotropicm (tigmotropisme)
=Movement of growth of a plant in response to touch.

Toxin (toksin)
=Any poisonous substance produced by bacteria,animals or plants.

Vertebrate (vertebrata)
=An animal with a backbone.

Villus (Vilus)
=A fingerlike projection from the walls of the small intestine.

Acid (asid)
=has a sour taste,is corrosive,turns blue litmus red,has a pH value of less that 7,reacts with active metals to produce hydrogen gas and neutralises alkalis to form a salt.

Air pressure (tekanan udara)
=The force produced by the collisions and bouncing off of air particles from a unit area of surface.

Alkali (alkali)
=Has a bitter taste,is corrosive,turns red litmus blue,has a pH value of more than 7,reacts with ammonium salts to produce ammonia gas and neutralises acids to form a salt.

Boiling point of water (takat didih air)
=The temperature at which water boils to produce steam.

Centre of gravity (pusat gravity)
=The point in an object at which the whole weight of the objects seems to act.

Distillation (penyulingan)
=A method of obtaining a pure liquid from a solution by heating the solution until the pure liquid boils,condensing the vapour and collecting the condensed liquid.

Electrolysis (elektrolisis)
=The chemical breakdown of a compound into simpler substances when an electric current  is passed through the compound.

Electrostatic force (daya elektrostatik)
=The force of attraction of repulsion between charges.

Endoskeleton (rangka dalam)
=The skeleton inside a body.

Evaporation (penyejatan)
=The process by which a liguid changer into gas at the temperatures below the boiling point of the liquid.

Exoskeleton (rangka luar)
=The skeleton outside a body.

Filtration (penurasan)
=A separation process in which an insoluble solid is separated from a liquid in a solid-liquid mixture.A filter is used to trap the solid residue while the liquid passes through the filter and is known as the filtrate.

=Something which can change the size,shape,state of rest and motion of an object.

Freezing point of water (takat beku air)
=The temperature at  which water freezes to form ice.

Frictional force (daya geseran)
=A force which slows down or stops motion.

Gravitational force (daya tarikan gravity)
=The force of attraction between two masses.

Heterogeneous suspension (ampaian heterogen)
=A non-homogeneous suspension which varies in colour,density,appearance and physical,and chemical properties.

Homogeneous solution (larutan homogen)
=A solution with the same colour, density,appearance and other pyhsical and chemical properties in every part of the solution.

Hydrostatic skeleton (rangka hidrostatik)
=A skeleton which is made up of liquids containes under pressure in certain parts of the body.

Lever (tuas)
=A simple machine which turns about a fixed point,called the fulcrum or pivot when a force,called the effort ia applied to overcome a resisting force,known as the load.

Melting point of ice (takat lebur ais)
=The temperature at which ice melts to form water.

Moment of a force (momen daya)
=The turning effect of a force that is equal to the product of the applied force and the perpendicular distance from the pivot to the applied force.

Neutralisation (peneutralan)
=The chemical reaction between an acid and an alkali which produces a salt and water.

Newton, N (newton, N)
=The SI unit for force.

=The SI unit of pressure.

Power (kuasa)
=The rate of doing work.

=Force per unit area.

Residue(baki ,sisa)
=The insoluble solid pasticles trapped in the filter during filtration.

=A compound (not water) formed when an acid reacts with an alkali.

Solubility (kelarutan)
=The maximum amount of a solute that  will dossolve in a given amount of solvent.

Solute(zat pelarut)
=The substance that dissolves in a solvent.

Solution (larutan)
=A mixture in which one or more solutes are dissolved in a solvent.

Solvent (pelarut
=The substance in which one or more solutes dissolve to form a solution.

Spring balance (neraca spring)
=A type of instrument used to measure force.

=The ability of an object to return to its original position  when the object is moved or tilted slightly.

Suspension (bahan terampai)
=A mixture  containing small solid or liquid pasticles suspended in a liquid or a gas.

=-Allows some light to pass through

=Allows almost all the light to pass through.

Watt, W (watt, W)
=The SI unit for power.

Weight (berat)
=The gravitational force acting on a mass on Earth.

Work (kerja)
=The product of the force applied and the distance moved in the direction of the applied force.


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